Friday, January 31, 2014

The Great Refrigerator


Many people don't know the uses of refrigeration. It keeps our food perfect, making it cold and preserves it. It helps us keep in order and without it most shops wouldn't be there, at least for artificial food and things like that. It was made 200 years ago, very simply, but has gradually increased. In the 1700's during the war they refrigerated ice so they could help the soilders. Overall, refrigerators were a great improvement in our time and I'm glad to have them.

My opinion:
Refrigerators are the thing of the future and past and I love the history of it. It has helped us in so many ways and many of us wouldn't have much food as we do now if we didn't have it. I feel that many people do not ackknowledge the fact that the refrigerator has done such good things for us. All in all, refrigerators help me and I clearly do appreciate them.
This is what the average refrigerator looks like today. Obviously this isn't what it had looked like in the past as we're a lot more advanced nowadays. The top was usually the freezer and bottom was what keeps the food in "shape".

     Okay, I hope you liked the weekly blog. Question of the week:
"How does a refrigerator benefit you?"
Okay, comment below and see you in the next blog!

Inventions that Changed the World

Inventions that changed the world:

    Something that changed the world: A wheel. It's something we move on everyday, and we use it for transportation very frequently. Most people have a bike or car, and without it we would barely have any public places like school, church, etc. The wheel has changed the world in many other ways, also. The wheel wasn't really known in the beginning in B.C and no one really knew who invented it. They also were for mills to receive waters from wells.

My Opinion:

    A wheel is an amazing thing an not overrated one bit. It has progressed so much throughout the years, from being on a plow to being on cars and planes. It helps everyone, especially me transport to places I need to go. Without it, my education would be horrible because I'd never enjoy walking a few miles to get to school... Also, many people wouldn't have a job at all and no one would receive any money at all.

This is the wheel that has helped us throughout the years. It makes everything electronic move that can move
and people use it everyday. It has progressed and never looked like this in the beginning, instead wooden.


   Thank you for viewing my blog! I hope you enjoyed it. Question of the Week:
"What is your use of a wheel?"
Okay, thanks for reading and stay tuned next week!


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Eating Little Monsters

Eating Little Monsters

Read here for more info:

Eating little monsters.. that's an appropriate title for this blog, isn't it? Its about this one device that looks like a mouse trap. Don't be fooled... it's not. It's actually called the Robot Vacuum Sweeper. Sadly this will be never released due to possible misconceptions like hurting its owner, etc. Otherwise it would eat all the mouses, ants, and other small insects you'd really not want wandering in your home. There's 5 different types of them which you can read on the website to learn more.

My Opinion: 

I truly like the concept of something that eats insects. You never have to worry about your food going bad or anything like that because of insects, especially mouses. It amazes me that they could actually thing of a great idea like this, but something bad can happen fast if you're not careful. Hopefully it's not programmed to eat you! There's something called the coffee table mouse trap also, which is a fake table which would simply devour any mouse of such.
This is what the mouse sweeper looks like. It seems very precious in the beginning, but you have no idea what it can really do. It senses the animal then SNAP! Where'd it go? Oh, wait...

In conclusion:

Okay, I hoped you guys liked this weekly blog. Question of the Week:

"Would you buy one of these if they were available to you?"

I know I would! Comment to answer and spread this blog around, and I'll see you next week!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

iPhone VS Samsung Galaxy

iPhone VS Samsung Galaxy

    So.. everyone wonders.. what phone should I get? Well, maybe if you hadn't done your research, you'd go for the typical iPhone that everyone usually goes for. And maybe if you EVEN have done your research you'd still go for it. The upcoming iPhone 6 isn't supposed to have that many major updates, with a larger screen and a better touch screen display/lock. The Samsung Galaxy 5 has many more features: an optional full metal body or the regular plastic body. It has a 5.7 inch screen and the iPhone only a 4.7, and I personally like the smaller screen. These are just the minor things that the future iPhone and Samsung Galaxy phones have incoming.

                         iPhone                                                                         Samsung Galaxy S5

My Opinion:

    Personally, I would prefer the Samsung Galaxy S5. This is because it seems to have more incoming than the iPhone because it has more updates than it and a spoiler is that the recharge time would be majorly low. This is an amazing thing because the typical American uses their phone a lot, losing battery. Even the iPhone's display looks better, the Samsung seems to have more to offer. They both have a retina display which may just be the two pictures I have put up. Overall, the Samsung Galaxy S5 looks like the better series of phones to go with.


This video is about the iPhone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S5, but not just that. It's also about blackberry franchise and the Google Watch. He clearly states that the iPhone will  be going to a more 3D angle, which is weird and unneeded in my opinion. Also, the Samsung Galaxy S5 has 4 gigs of ram! That's a lot if you ask me. Watch this video if you want to know more!


    Well, I hope you liked this weekly blog! Comment down below and question of the week:

"Which one would you prefer: iPhone 6 or Samsung Galaxy 5?"

I personally prefer the SG5, but leave your opinion in the comments. Chao!

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Tigers in the Wild:

    Losing 97% of the tigers population is not funny business. We should respect these fellow animals and provide shelter towards them so we don't lose many more than we have today at this time. At the moment, we barely have 3,200 tigers left in the population of the world. Most tigers reach the total body length of 3.3m and can  weigh up to 306 kg. It has stripes in a pattern usually on it's back and there's many types of tigers. Tigers are also part of the big cats family, which most of you guys know. These tigers eat ambar deer, wild pigs, water buffalo and antelope.

My Opinion

    I love tigers preferably. I would save them at any cost, even using a lot of my time if needed although I just don't know how that would work out. They're diet may seem feisty, being a carnivore it self though it's the only way a tiger is able to live. Tigers have the stripes of black on their red, furry backs which draws attention to me and maybe many of you guys. It's saddening to know that out of 9 species, 4 of them are already extinct! These species conclude of the South Chinese Tiger, Caspian Tiger, Javan Tiger, and Bali Tiger. I wish we could have more to do with the extinction and the ways tigers live, but we really can't.


This is from Barcroft TV. It shows how one family has seven tigers living in their home! Well, not literally in their home, but you get the point. They bond with the tigers and they react with respect, as it states in the video. I find it quite amazing.


    I hope you guys like this small blog I made here, and also like tigers. Question of the week:

Do you like tigers ? What's your favorite species type?

I challenge you guys to research more about tigers, and as always, comment!