As you know, many people have been noticing the recent jump in Sony's stocks because of their new release. It has been magnificent and is an amazing console which I recommend everyone to buy, not just for playing games. It has good graphics and can be used for Netflix and Youtube, and even watching streaming hosts through Twitch.Tv. This allows a perfect amount of entertainment for the people who enjoy to watch multiple types of things. Overall, this console is great for many things.
My Opinion:
I really love the thought they put in this console. It even has a touch pad on its controller! Isn't that amazing? Even though I don't have one, I wish to purchase one soon. I have done my research and it has a touch pad right on the controller which is extremely useful for many cases in searching if you don't enjoy using the joy stick. It also comes cheaper for the hard drive. Finally, the screen displays a better frames per second - a lot smoother in everything!
This is what the controller looks like. The middle is where you access the touch pad. The thing that they actually changed is the home button and start button, and I assume the start is on the right and home is one the left in the top corners of the pad. This looks like a great controller and many people even use it to play games on their PC!
Thank you for reading the weekly blog! Sorry for it not coming so often and at the same day. Question of the week:
"Would you buy a PS4?"
Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you had a great time! Come back again!